Monday, 8 February 2021



Raisins… dried grapes, sweet little sour but good in taste, Raisins are a form of Dry grapes. There are mainly two types of raisins, the black and the golden raisins (also called as Sultanas) which get their names from the color and quality of grapes- Black grapes and the green yellow grapes. There are also a  form of dried grapes called as Currants which are the dried form of small sized grapes. The raisins are the sweetest among all.

.Uses of Raisins:

10-12 raisins are soaked in water. After 2-3 hours have it with improves digestion, hemoglobin and skin textures.

They can use for sweet tooth after every meal.

Ayurveda uses for Dosha :

Raisins are Pitta pacifying

They also help balance the vitiated Vata nature.


Raisins can act spontaneously on excessive thirst, heat stroke and high Pitta problems like Natural coolant.

Dry grapes / raisin is useful in the treatment of excessive thirst, fever, respiratory problems, vomiting, gout, liver disorders, excessive burning sensation, dryness, emaciation.

Raisin calms the mind. Hence, it is a good idea to have some grapes when you feel tired and feel heat stroke (use raisin water), Helps in easy bowel movement

 Raisin is very good for eyes health and vision.

Raisins are also used in the treatment of intestinal disorders and help to regulate bowl movements.

Raisins also improve brain and nervous system health to make it more calm and cool. Works good in after alcoholic drinks .Specially for regular alcoholic habits and for sweet tooth.


Health tip.: Raisins/ dry grapes (specially yellow) Helps in easy bowel movement and it's a natural coolant and very good for eyes It is useful in the treatment of excessive thirst, fever, respiratory problems, intestinal issues, vomiting, gout, liver disorders, excessive burning sensation, dryness, emaciation. Raisin calms the mind.

Use regularly 10-12 raisins are soaked in water.

For more details



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